Acerca de Rich – About Rich

Shelves made by Rich - Repisas talladas por Rich

Shelves made by Rich - Repisas talladas por Rich

Finding an Alternative to the City’s Rat Race

Rich is a geographer and land surveyor who worked for the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) in Alaska, Oregon, and Colorado. His love of hiking and Costa Rican biodiversity, however, have offered him the perfect opportunity to settle down in the mountains and explore a more basic way of life, enjoying his surroundings as well as his woodworking. Rich’s work can be seen and enjoyed throughout the house, studio, and adjacent gallery and log cabin—from beds to clocks, to photo albums.

Costa Rica, January 2009 enero

Costa Rica, January 2009 enero

Rich es geógrafo y topógrafo. Trabajó para la BLM (Ministerio de Administración de Tierras) en Alaska, Oregón y Colorado. Su pasión por el hiking y la biodiversidad de Costa Rica, sin embargo, le han dado la oportunidad perfecta para asentarse en las montañas y llevar una vida más básica y tranquila, disfrutando de los alrededores y su pasatiempo de talla en madera. Las obras de Rich se aprecian por toda la casa, el estudio, la galería y la cabaña —desde camas y relojes, hasta álbumes para fotos.

Rich with orchidRich